Published by New York Waste Publishing Corp. Editor
in Chief www.newyorkwaste.comCopyright 2012 New York Waste Publishing Corp. New
York Waste is a registered trademark Thank you to all our Contributors: Mickey
Leigh, Man Ray123, Philip Hartigan, Ogre, Matt
O’Halloran, Gary Pig Gold, Bruce Alexander, Mark After
Dark, Starr Tucker, Justin Melkmann, Robert Lund,
Karol Khaos, Chuck Foster, Mark Prindle, Vickers
Gringo, Chino, Darren Paltrowitz, Jenny
Gonzalez-Blitz, Andrew Goldfarb, Frank Wood, Patti
Danton, Tina Portilla, Matty Stumbler, Richie
Rheingold, Sergio Zuniga, Steve Strauss, Blackout
Matt, Pam Glam, Frank Russo,Martina Secundo Russo,
Tony Millionaire, Dave Swag, Phil Simkowitz, Vlad,
Lani Ford On
the cover: Panzie* photo by Lucky Lawler ©2012 |
All rights reserved. All copyrights remain with the original artists. No portion of this publication may be reproduced without the expressed permission of NYWaste Publishing Corp. Not responsible for unsolicited work. Not responsible for solicited work either or anything else. Please send copies only. Not responsible for any promises published herein by us, our contributors or even those made by advertisers. The views herein are not necessarily the views of the NY Waste Publishing Corp., or any affiliated and are sometimes not even understood by the editor or any affiliated. Any resemblance in fiction or art to people living or dead is purely coincidental and not synchronicity. One
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$20 (US) $33 (Foreign) |
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