
Photos: Lucky Lawler ©2008

“Smooch” really suits this band. Their music is a warm kiss in the sand -- in the backroom while nob“Smooch” really suits this band. Their music is a warm kiss in the sand -- in the backroom while nobody is looking. The music is an island of love that sounds like it came out of Haight-Ashbury back in ’66. Beautiful music it is too. Does Smooch represent the new wave of exploration of sounds and feelings is this the new rebellion? This is not what we call pop these days, but it is pop in the sense the Beatles were pop, more of a creative calling without any agenda, music for music sake. They explore sounds the way The Byrds would. This kind of song writing has been a miss for quite a while.
With influences from the past and new generations in the mix, these guys seriously know how to play, they know music and are exploring all avenues. They are a wonderful ride.

Peter: In terms of writing music for me, I really enjoy studying and listening to all different genres of music and letting that come out through my own songwriting... because I really love that about music and art, that you can approach it in so many ways and never have to be tied down to any one style. you asked about my inspirations... I guess that’s why I love songwriters like John Lennon, Paul Simon, Bob Dylan, Joe Strummer, David Byrne, Jack White, and plenty of others who have really explored different sounds and grown as songwriters through the years. having said that, I’d say I find my roots in rock and roll – so most of the stuff I write is predominantly rock-based at its core. But I love experimenting and incorporating other styles whenever it can work, cause that’s the beauty of it all... anything goes if it sounds right.

What is your best memory (if any) of a family vacation when you were a kid?
Will: visiting New Zealand to see my dad while he was making Kiwi kids’ TV shows. I ate fried food every meal. The fish and chips were incredible.
Eric: spending thirteen hours in a van with my mom and four brothers from Mississippi to San Antonio, Texas. It was a bonding experience, to say the most.

Recently joining the band is Adrien Faunce and here is a little bit about him to wet your apperite:
“I moved to suburbs of Paris at 12 and lived there (omitting various travels) till I came to NY for school about four years ago. I recently met the guys through our great friend and artist Drew Snyder.?

Did you have a pet as a kid?
Peter: had a bunch of pets actually. Besides cats and dogs, we had ferrets, crows, parrots, turtles, snakes, beavers, bats, and even an alligator at one point.
Eric: I’ve gone through a bunch of stray dogs, a hedgehog, even a pig

How did you feel when it died?
Peter: well when my alligator ate my baby soft-shell turtle, it was definitely one of the more traumatizing experiences of my youth. I was five but I remember it like yesterday... my last eye contact with the turtle, the blood in the water... it was awful.
Eric:  The pig we gave a way, shat too much... most of the dogs ran away, maybe even the hedgehog.

How old were you when you realized you could possibly make a living playing music?
Peter: make a living?
Will: if a living means finding self satisfaction, it would be when I joined this band. If it means monetary security, then that moment still hasn’t really arrived.
Julian: 21.
Eric: ask my mom.
Adrien: probably around 15 or 16.

Why did you get into playing? Was it:
A. To score girls?
B. Love of the music?
C. To not be one of the crowd?
D. ‘Cos all your friends etc  told you were good?
E. ‘Cos  you  knew you were good?
Peter: b
Will: b
Julian: cause its the most fun thing I’ve ever tried.
Eric: b
Adrien: b

If I asked the other band members what they thought of you personally, what do you think they would say?
Will: “well the duke quarterly magazine said he has the quintessential look of a rockstar, but he’s just a fool. Ha” he’s smart, anxious and occasionally temperamental.
Julian: probably “who?” since I’ve been at work a ton lately
Adrien: Terrible things, I’m sure.

How many years have you been playing?
Peter: About 10 years.
Will: Almost ten years.
Julian: Guitar since age 13, bass for two years.
Eric: Rhyming for about 14 years.
Adrien: About 10 years.

Major influences in your music?
Peter: Bob Dylan, John Lennon, David Byrne, Bob Marley, Jeff Tweedy, Andre 3000, Jack White, and my father.
Will: Jimi Hendrix, Bob Dylan, Outkast, Wilco, Sublime
Julian: Jaco, James Jamerson, Prince, The Roots, Paul Mccartney, Jared Followill (from Kings Of Leon,) Tina Weymouth, Royston Langdon.
Eric: Nas, Black Thought, Blu And Exile, Common, Musiq Soulchild, Erykah Badu, Soulive.

What made you pick up your instrument in the first place?
Peter: my dad used to play guitar to me as a child and I always looked up to him more than anyone. He had this beautiful little guild from the 30’s that made it real easy to teach myself. I never took lessons but I loved writing so I just kept playing till I got more serious about it over the years.
Will: I played saxophone in elementary school because it was an interesting extracurricular activity to do. When my sax was stolen in 8th grade and I was told I couldn’t drop music class at that point in the semester, I picked up the guitar and practiced all the time so as not to fail or embarrass. I progressed pretty quickly because practicing never felt like work. It felt like the only thing I wanted to spend my time doing. I continue playing because I need to play to be happy. I can’t divorce myself from my love for music, the guitar, and the non-vocal conversations playing in a band setting engenders.
Julian: wanted to jam with peter, started hearing bass lines in my head instead of guitar parts.

What’s the worst prank you played on someone that you since really regret doing?
Peter: my mom and I used to let this vicious ferret of ours into the guest room whenever people were staying at our house. Without fail the ferret would crawl up through the covers and bite the shit out of the person’s arm, leg, stomach, etc... it was always a great prank until someone almost killed the ferret because they thought it was a rat that had drawn blood from their ankle, thinking they had rabies or something. They came downstairs screaming, being chased across the house by the ferret close behind... No regrets though.
Julian: once put poop from the toilet in Eric’s general tsao’s. Still haven’t told him. Zero regret.
Eric: April Fool’s day 2006 called my mom and told her I impregnated a girl and she gave me the clap. We had a conversation about abortion and std’s for ten minutes until I told her it was a joke.

What’s the worst one done to you?
Peter: when my mom did the same prank to me.

If you hadn’t become a musician, where do you think you’d be now, doing what?
Peter: trying to be a painter or a fishing guide (if soccer coach didn’t work out).
Will: starting a company with close friends from my childhood or working for a non-profit company.
Julian: manager of Jimmy John’s, Durham.
Eric:  in grad school or dental school.

Have you ever been busted for anything other than weed?
Will: in 8th grade, I got caught egging the car across the street from my house. They knew where I lived and so did the cops.
Eric: driving while impaired... beat the case not even 24 hours ago :-)
Adrien: yes

Ever been in jail/prison?
Julian: yes
Eric: yes
Adrien: you could say that.

If so what for?
Julian: possession, possession, possession. Apparently it’s 9/10’s of the law...
Eric:  apparently you’re not supposed to operate a motor vehicle while intoxicated.
Adrien: being drunk and breaking stuff.

Any advice to young wanna bees who may be reading this?
Peter: as if I know something?
Will: musicians are to be listened to, not looked at. If it’s the other way around, the music is questionable and the artist is a misnomer.
Julian: like me?
Eric: becoming a musician is like a box of chocolates. Sometimes the stuff in the middle tastes pretty terrible.
Adrien: practice.

Are you content with your life right now?
Peter: great question.
Will: I’m 23, of course I’m not content yet. I have lots of aspirations and a finite amount of time to achieve them.
Julian: extremely. Great digs, great city, great food.
Eric:  couldn’t be more thankful and appreciative of all that life brings.

Where are you guys headed?
Peter: no se.
Will: writing more songs, playing more shows, progressing as musicians, and getting more exposure
Julian: on to the new York scene. It might take us a few months but we’ll make a splash.
Eric: developing our craft.
Adrien: the furthest reaches of outer space.

What do you like to drink (beer, wine, whiskey, etc.)
Peter: jack and water
Will: anything that doesn’t involve a funnel.
Julian: quality beers of the world, mount gay rum when the going gets tough
Eric: Hennessy and ginger ale.
Adrien: Lately, red wine.

Favorite bar:
Peter: Mama Mia’s in san Miguel, Mexico.
Will: anyone where my friends are with me.

Best jukebox:
Peter: Roarke Horstmeyer.

What disc / record / mp3 is on your player:
Peter: Tom Waits - Rain Dogs
Will: Black Keys - Thumbfreakness
Eric:  Stevie Wonder – Innervisions
Adrien: various - Omar Rodriguez Lopez

Fender or Gibson:
Peter: Guild
Will: Fender
Julian: Fender, though I would kill for a Gibson Thunderbird
Bass and would rape for a Rickenbacker 4001

Do you play air guitar:
Will: does a pope shit in the woods? Is the bear catholic?
Julian: of course.

Do you pick up hitchhikers when on tour:
Julian: would probably vote yes.

How long have you gone without doing laundry:
Peter: its been awhile.
Will: the entire time I’ve lived in new York city. (about three weeks)
Julian: in the past, very, very long.
Eric:  many moons.

Adrien: condensed milk.

Favorite brand of condom:
Julian: foreskin.

Favorite junk food:
Peter: Whataburger fast-food.
Julian: Jardin burger, san Miguel de Allende Mexico.
Eric:  Charleston chews.
Adrien: frrrrrrrrried chicken

Best wasted moment:
Will: not picking up the guitar until I was 14.
Eric:  puff, puff, pass.
Adrien: wow. i assume best means worst. i’d say getting decked in the nose by a friend for hitting his car with christmas lights.

Favorite position
Will: anyone that involves sex.
Julian: flying buttress.
Eric: the deep, coma-like sleep afterwards.
Adrien: getting head.

Anything we are not asking that you think is vital to you existence?
For your public to know it goes to 11.?
ody is looking. The music is an island of love that sounds like it came out of Haight-Ashbury back in ’66. Beautiful music it is too. Does Smooch represent the new wave of exploration of sounds and feelings is this the new rebellion? This is not what we call pop these days, but it is pop in the sense the Beatles were pop, more of a creative calling without any agenda, music for music sake. They explore sounds the way The Byrds would. This kind of song writing has been a miss for quiBAck to To[te a while.

With influences from the past and new generations in the mix, these guys seriously know how to play, they know music and are exploring all avenues. They are a wonderful ride.


Smooch are:

            Peter More - Vocals & Rhythm Guitar

Eric Griffin - Vocals And Percussion

            Will Arnold - Lead Guitar

Julian Dawes - Bass

            Adrien Faunce  - Drums


Peter: In terms of writing music for me, I really enjoy studying and listening to all different genres of music and letting that come out through my own songwriting... because I really love that about music and art, that you can approach it in so many ways and never have to be tied down to any one style. you asked about my inspirations... I guess that’s why I love songwriters like John Lennon, Paul Simon, Bob Dylan, Joe Strummer, David Byrne, Jack White, and plenty of others who have really explored different sounds and grown as songwriters through the years. having said that, I’d say I find my roots in rock and roll – so most of the stuff I write is predominantly rock-based at its core. But I love experimenting and incorporating other styles whenever it can work, cause that’s the beauty of it all... anything goes if it sounds right.


What is your best memory (if any) of a family vacation when you were a kid?

Will: visiting New Zealand to see my dad while he was making Kiwi kids’ TV shows. I ate fried food every meal. The fish and chips were incredible.

Eric: spending thirteen hours in a van with my mom and four brothers from Mississippi to San Antonio, Texas. It was a bonding experience, to say the most.


Recently joining the band is Adrien Faunce and here is a little bit about him to wet your apperite:

“I moved to suburbs of Paris at 12 and lived there (omitting various travels) till I came to NY for school about four years ago. I recently met the guys through our great friend and artist Drew Snyder.?


Did you have a pet as a kid?

Peter: had a bunch of pets actually. Besides cats and dogs, we had ferrets, crows, parrots, turtles, snakes, beavers, bats, and even an alligator at one point.

Eric: I’ve gone through a bunch of stray dogs, a hedgehog, even a pig


How did you feel when it died?

Peter: well when my alligator ate my baby soft-shell turtle, it was definitely one of the more traumatizing experiences of my youth. I was five but I remember it like yesterday... my last eye contact with the turtle, the blood in the water... it was awful.

Eric:  The pig we gave a way, shat too much...  most of the dogs ran away, maybe even the hedgehog.


How old were you when you realized you could possibly make a living playing music?

Peter: make a living?

Will: if a living means finding self satisfaction, it would be when I joined this band. If it means monetary security, then that moment still hasn’t really arrived.

Julian: 21.

Eric: ask my mom.

Adrien: probably around 15 or 16.


Why did you get into playing? Was it:

A. To score girls?

B. Love of the music?

C. To not be one of the crowd?

D. ‘Cos all your friends etc  told you were good?

E.  ‘Cos  you  knew you were good?

Peter: b

Will: b

Julian: cause its the most fun thing I’ve ever tried.

Eric: b

Adrien: b


If I asked the other band members what they thought of you personally, what do you think they would say?

Will: “well the duke quarterly magazine said he has the quintessential look of a rockstar, but he’s just a fool. Ha” he’s smart, anxious and occasionally temperamental.

Julian: probably “who?” since I’ve been at work a ton lately

Adrien: Terrible things, I’m sure.


How many years have you been playing?

Peter: About 10 years.

Will: Almost ten years.

Julian: Guitar since age 13, bass for two years.

Eric: Rhyming for about 14 years.

Adrien: About 10 years.


Major influences in your music?

Peter: Bob Dylan, John Lennon, David Byrne, Bob Marley, Jeff Tweedy, Andre 3000, Jack White, and my father.

Will: Jimi Hendrix, Bob Dylan, Outkast, Wilco, Sublime

Julian: Jaco, James Jamerson, Prince, The Roots, Paul Mccartney, Jared Followill (from Kings Of Leon,) Tina Weymouth, Royston Langdon.

Eric: Nas, Black Thought, Blu And Exile, Common, Musiq Soulchild, Erykah Badu, Soulive.


What made you pick up your instrument in the first place?

Peter: my dad used to play guitar to me as a child and I always looked up to him more than anyone. He had this beautiful little guild from the 30’s that made it real easy to teach myself. I never took lessons but I loved writing so I just kept playing till I got more serious about it over the years.

Will: I played saxophone in elementary school because it was an interesting extracurricular activity to do. When my sax was stolen in 8th grade and I was told I couldn’t drop music class at that point in the semester, I picked up the guitar and practiced all the time so as not to fail or embarrass. I progressed pretty quickly because practicing never felt like work. It felt like the only thing I wanted to spend my time doing. I continue playing because I need to play to be happy. I can’t divorce myself from my love for music, the guitar, and the non-vocal conversations playing in a band setting engenders.

Julian: wanted to jam with peter, started hearing bass lines in my head instead of guitar parts.


What’s the worst prank you played on someone that you since really regret doing?

Peter: my mom and I used to let this vicious ferret of ours into the guest room whenever people were staying at our house. Without fail the ferret would crawl up through the covers and bite the shit out of the person’s arm, leg, stomach, etc... it was always a great prank until someone almost killed the ferret because they thought it was a rat that had drawn blood from their ankle, thinking they had rabies or something. They came downstairs screaming, being chased across the house by the ferret close behind... No regrets though.

Julian: once put poop from the toilet in Eric’s general tsao’s. Still haven’t told him. Zero regret.

Eric: April Fool’s day 2006 called my mom and told her I impregnated a girl and she gave me the clap. We had a conversation about abortion and std’s for ten minutes until I told her it was a joke.


What’s the worst one done to you?

Peter: when my mom did the same prank to me.


If you hadn’t become a musician, where do you think you’d be now, doing what?

Peter: trying to be a painter or a fishing guide (if soccer coach didn’t work out).

Will: starting a company with close friends from my childhood or working for a non-profit company.

Julian: manager of Jimmy John’s, Durham.

Eric:  in grad school or dental school.


Have you ever been busted for anything other than weed?

Will: in 8th grade, I got caught egging the car across the street from my house. They knew where I lived and so did the cops.

Eric: driving while impaired... beat the case not even 24 hours ago :-)

Adrien: yes


Ever been in jail/prison?

Julian: yes

Eric: yes

Adrien: you could say that.


If so what for?

Julian: possession, possession, possession. Apparently it’s 9/10’s of the law...

Eric:  apparently you’re not supposed to operate a motor vehicle while intoxicated.

Adrien: being drunk and breaking stuff.


Any advice to young wanna bees who may be reading this?

Peter: as if I know something?

Will: musicians are to be listened to, not looked at. If it’s the other way around, the music is questionable and the artist is a misnomer.

Julian: like me?

Eric: becoming a musician is like a box of chocolates. Sometimes the stuff in the middle tastes pretty terrible.

Adrien: practice.



Are you content with your life right now?

Peter: great question.

Will: I’m 23, of course I’m not content yet. I have lots of aspirations and a finite amount of time to achieve them.

Julian: extremely. Great digs, great city, great food.

Eric:  couldn’t be more thankful and appreciative of all that life brings.


Where are you guys headed?

Peter: no se.

Will: writing more songs, playing more shows, progressing as musicians, and getting more exposure

Julian: on to the new York scene. It might take us a few months but we’ll make a splash.

Eric: developing our craft.

Adrien: the furthest reaches of outer space.


What do you like to drink (beer, wine, whiskey, etc.)

Peter: jack and water

Will: anything that doesn’t involve a funnel.

Julian: quality beers of the world, mount gay rum when the going gets tough

Eric: Hennessy and ginger ale.

Adrien: Lately, red wine.


Favorite bar:

Peter: Mama Mia’s in san Miguel, Mexico.

Will: anyone where my friends are with me.


Best jukebox:

Peter: Roarke Horstmeyer.


What disc / record / mp3 is on your player:

Peter: Tom Waits - Rain Dogs

Will: Black Keys - Thumbfreakness

Eric:  Stevie Wonder – Innervisions

Adrien: various  - Omar Rodriguez Lopez


Fender or Gibson:

Peter: Guild

Will: Fender

Julian: Fender, though I would kill for a Gibson Thunderbird

Bass and would rape for a Rickenbacker 4001


Do you play air guitar:

Will: does a pope shit in the woods? Is the bear catholic?

Julian: of course.


Do you pick up hitchhikers when on tour:

Julian: would probably vote yes.


How long have you gone without doing laundry:

Peter: its been awhile.

Will: the entire time I’ve lived in new York city. (about three weeks)

Julian: in the past, very, very long.

Eric:  many moons.



Adrien: condensed milk.


Favorite brand of condom:

Julian: foreskin.


Favorite junk food:

Peter: Whataburger fast-food.

Julian: Jardin burger, san Miguel de Allende Mexico.

Eric:  Charleston chews.

Adrien: frrrrrrrrried chicken

Best wasted moment:

Will: not picking up the guitar until I was 14.

Eric:  puff, puff, pass.

Adrien: wow. i assume best means worst. i’d say getting decked in the nose by a friend for hitting his car with christmas lights.


Favorite position

Will: anyone that involves sex.

Julian: flying buttress.

Eric: the deep, coma-like sleep afterwards.

Adrien: getting head.


Anything we are not asking that you think is vital to you existence?

For your public to know it goes to 11.?