Starr Tucker
CD Reviews

Here's what I found in me box this month...



The perfect soundtrack to dumping a body...
THE SLOW POISONER sends “Roadside Altar”. Homespun gutter folk with the most wonderful lyrics, they sucks ya in and then it’s too late. Also known as Andrew Goldfarb - this stuff is as much fun and his art, check out his comics in the Waste or visit his site. Who doesn’t love a little poison?

THE CHINESE STARS send “Listen To Your Left Brain” and well never be the same. With songs like ‘Drugs And Sunshine’ and ‘Teeth Marks’ you’ll be pulled in, until your drowning in a sea of synth, bass, guitar, drums and vocals. If your into the Cure, there a bit more noir but just as lovely.

DIY garage rock with leanings towards strange, “The EP” comes from THE PITY PARTY. Lo-fi kicks, post punk hits and throbbing bass set the stage for devilish songs and lush vocals. Seven tunes that go too far, check ‘em out - but beware, not all tracks are created equal.

You’d think that having a Roky Ericksen tribute band would drive anyone insane. I don’t know that Paranoid Larry and his Imaginary Band were ever a Roky Ericksen tribute band but it would explain alot. “Are You Following Me?” is bizarre, weird, it is funny.

Look what I found in my box... QUEEN V sends a sampler from her upcoming release “Death or Glory”. Imagine Pat Benatar out to kick your ass with Tom Morello (Audioslave) and Vernon Reid (Living Color) in her corner. Powerful songs that take no prisioners, look for it to hit the streets June 19th.

Future rockers, THE ARSONS send “Too True To Be Good”. Sing-a-long punk core with all the trimmings, thirteen songs for hanging out and seeing which snack food burns best. Kicking tunes from the new school... look for them on your local post office wall.

DEMETRA send us her self titled CD, think Blondie with a touch of 80s new wave-glam-punk. Catchy with a sultry singer sure to put a bulge in ya patent leather parts.

Eighteen wheel heavy... The TURBO A.C.’s send “Live to Win”, a monster mix that never let’s up. Dangerous bits and kick ass licks, down and dirty rock-n-roll that goes well with whatever your drinking. Surf, Punk or Motorhead - these boys have got your back. XOXOXO

Waste rock is on the rise... the CYCLONES send “...We’re Livin’ Like Weasels!” A massive mix of vocals, guitars, drums and bass that delivers - every track better than the last. Shake your ass, we’re staying out all night! Check ‘em out as they tear this city to the ground, one gig at a time.

Drunk on gasoline... the SHE WOLVES send “Mach One - The Early Days”. Driving songs that make no excuses, raw and ready to cut loose. New York rock-n-roll at its finest featuring Sylvain Sylvain, Jayne County and Deb O’Nair. A drop dead mix that gets better with each track, they even throw in a few covers - “California Uber Alles” is our favorite.

If it don’t fit - shove it! OTEP send “Recognize the Signs... Obey the Omens”. Havoc metal that goes the extra mile... violent guitars, relentless drums and to seal the deal, plush vocals from the edge. Explosive songs that are ‘perfectly flawed‘.

Goth metal power pop... LIGION sends “External Affairs”. Black eye guitars and larger than life vocals, crusher drums and lots of mood. Over the top tunes that are looking for trouble. These boys better watch out or they’ll end up on the MTV or dating post rehab Britney.

Pins and needles punk rockers, THE GHOULS send “Stand Alone”. From the first song ‘Jekyll & Hyde’ you know your in for good times... mosh around and take a dive, killer tunes for all your midnight hauntings. This one’s for the spiky, died and dirty.

“Deliver Us From Emo” is this month’s ass kicker by
THE CRUSHER. An insane mix of post punk bits and non stop licks, from the first song ‘She Spotted a UFO’ to the last ‘Crush, Kill, Destroy’ these boys never go soft. Imagine early Devo versus J. Biafra in a full on battle royal. Great stuff!

“Yesterday Is No Tomorrow” is this months must have disc from the STALKERS. Garage rock with an ear to the street, picture Joe Jackson on tour with the Ramones while Brian Setzer runs sound. The perfect soundtrack for standing in the bushes outside your ex-girlfriends apartment.

Fire it up... COUNTACH sends “As the Crow Flies”. Retro rock with a kick in the ass - the 60’s, the 70’s, or 2007. A timeless mix of southern fried stoner rock, bluesy licks and crusher guitars that will have you felling alright. Killer grooves that keep ya moving, let us know when you hit the city.

Rocky Horror revisited, DRATS!!! presents: “welcome to... NEW GRANADA the rock operetta!!! “The drugs haven’t kicked in yet but we’re having one hell of a time, a musical experience from the depths of imagination. Powerful guitars, melodic drones, razor blade vocals and new wave cool - this stuff goes the distance!

Oh yeah! These chaps sound like the Clash, or is it the Cramps... THE DEATH OF A PARTY send “The Rise and Fall of Scarlet City” and we’re hooked. Well constructed songs, with lots of room to stretch out and get your drink on. This stuff must be great live, let us know when you get to town.

“God Is Not With Us Today” comes from the THREATS, hard core rockers with one foot in the grave. Fast songs that pull no punches, big guitars and bigger vocals - these boys are out to tear America a new one. Turn it up loud and piss the neighbors off!

Send your stuff to:

Starr Tucker
c/o New York Waste
PO Box 20005, W. Village Sta., NY NY 10014 USA

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