The Underground World of ELDA STILLETTO

Freddy Lynxx
Takes New York

By Elda Stiletto

So, Nina Antonia, the girl who wrote Too Much Too Soon, The New York Dolls story, called me one day and told me to expect a call from Freddy Lynxx in France. A week later I get a bunch of cd's and vinyl records, along with a weighted issue of the Johnny Thunders Fanzine. Bleeding with retro rock the fanzine is crammed with scratchy Xeroxes of Xeroxes of posters and pictures and volumes of writing about the music histories that America never followed. I was told once that Johnny Thunders was like the Elvis Presley of France. So I listened to the music Freddy sent me and found myself hopelessly drawn into the time warp of when guitars screamed and sexy male vocals lilt in anguish. Leave me there.

Freddy Lynxx

So I call up Freddy and put him on my radio show ( on Sundays at 8am). His interview was a lament for the lost memories of a style of music that never should have gotten axed for the pabulum of today's dispassionate top 10. We played the music, and I'll play it again whenever I can, if for nothing else but the legacy of its origins. But then again, there is the lilting voice of Freddy Lynxx, strewn into the guitaring style he so insistently perfected since his days in France playing with Johnny Thunders.


Freddy Lynxx's dedication to the sound results in more than his own records. He writes, sings, plays guitar, produces and publishes. There is a veritable catalogue of vintage live performances with Johnny, amassed with records made by artists who perpetuate the genre: The Senders, Kevin K and Freddy Lynxx in every musical incarnation that has moved through his life.

Wild Bill

In 1983 Freddy Lynxx found himself opening for Johnny Thunders in Paris, which became a reoccurring event until Johnny's death. There are a few rare recordings of him and Johnny playing together. In 1995 Freddy's solo career spawned several European tours and multiple cd's such as "No Pleasure Thrills" with John Asherton and Nikki Sudden and recordings with Jeff Dahl. Then he finds Kevin K, an introverted guitarist and songwriter in New York and records with him. The discography is extensive.

"Hi Elda, This is Freddy. I am in New York making some records. Call me at..." was the message on my answering machine.

So next thing I know, I am in Tin Pan Alley Studio making a record with Freddy. We tracked eight songs. The guitar work between Freddy and Kevin K is thrilling. The engineer Patrick Klein is a natural in the studio. My headphones sounded right, the raw mixes sounded right, and the guitar lead he put down on one song was sounded very right. Then Wild Bill from The Senders arrived. Shit I haven't seen him in 20 years. His guitar leads were calling from someplace far away. Then, Phillipe, lead singer, guitarist and harmonica player from The Senders appeared. He hasn't even changed at all. When he put down a harmonica track, I was literally blown away. It is amazing how relentless musicians only keep getting better and better. Lucky came by to take some pictures and we all went out to some club??... on thirtieth street. The club had some very bad vibes in the upstairs lounge. I think there is a spirit in the place. So we go downstairs to see the bands: First band up had a Metallica look alike lead singer, who swished his hair allot. The guitarist in this band was really tall and he was posing so much I was almost embarrassed that I brought Freddy there to see the sad state of rock and roll in NYC. Oh man, then came Wreckless Fortune. At first I was getting a kick out of the band cause the lead singer is very colorful, but the music was AC DC to the max. Then the guitar player turned into a drama queen and walked off the stage because of some girl problem he was having and I was like? Duh??? There's only 40 people here! Why do these guys take themselves so seriously? After the pandemonium settled down the band Lucky wanted us to see came on and yea, there is something to the music, but again I was not knocked over. Maybe I am spoiled, but you know what? Freddy Lynxx can spoil me anytime.

The Senders play in NYC every month and we can expect to see them at the next New York Waste show. Go see them, the Sender's they play for the love of it, and I love that. While Freddy was here, three albums were made; a new Senders record, a new Kevin K record and the one I am on, the new Freddy Lynxx. I think we made a really good record together, and although I thought I would have anxiety about not being there for the mix, it was like fuck it, these guys will do it right.

Ps: goin up very soon? Freddy Lynxx's record catalogue on my website? just type in the netword Elda Stiletto and it will take you there.

for more go to THESTILLETTOS.COM

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