Page 9 - NY Waste - Summer in the Shity Issue - 2016
P. 9
NY Waste caught QV at Rockwood Hall of Fame for her launch of “Bridges”. The name says it all...
QueenV has com-
pleted the transition from a pissed off, fast paced, old school hard rock fronted band to a sensual creature, leading the listener down a warm blues rock 'n roll experi- ence. With songs like 'Best Of Me”, 'Sum-
mer's Gone', 'Broken Wings' you will be wanting to play this in your den to get the mood going.
Bill Cower, having led the NFL cham- pions the Steelers to the Super Bowl,
New York Waste Summer in the Shitty Issue 2016 9
led this night with an introduction to Queen V full of pride.
Backed by expertise & virtuoso
of Jimi K. Bones (Skin &
Bones) and talents of Joan
Chew (Party Lights), Paul Gi-
annini, Justin D. Hofmann,
Sarah Goldstone, you will dis-
cover a new sensual side to the
lady, sultry and sexy and full of
an infectious new confidence.
“I have spent a great deal of time
in Nashville in the last year, writ-
ing with various songwriters down there. That has really opened me up and chal- lenged me to go deeper, to strengthen my weaknesses and really hone and develop my chops. Been a lot of fun and I'm excited
to see what comes out of it!” “Bridges” a five track EP of a new caliber written with musical partners Jimi K. Bones & Wes Kleinknecht, rings in a new era.
Photos: Lucky Lawler @2016