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Rocktober 2014 Specials

Band Special

$5 band special 2.5"X2.5" b/w box

Color Ads

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Black White Ads

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NY Waste

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Print ads Full Color:
$150 Quarter Page Banner (10"X 3.5")
$450 Full Back Page!!!
$400 Full inside Page (10"X14")
$200 half page (5"X14" or 10"X7")
space is limited for color ads, book early, these go fast!!

Print ads Black & White:
$200 Full page ad (10"X14")
$125 Half page (5"X14" or 10"X7")
$100 Quarter page(horizontal 5"X7" or vertical 2.5"X14")
or $100
Page Banner (10"X 3.5")

Web ads only
$90 for 3 months

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Supporting The Underground 16 Years & Still Counting!
NYWaste est. 1997
"Thank God for the New York Waste" Jayne County
"The House of Class. Sort of like a punk rock Architectural Digest" - Brooklynbaby
"The new york waste! coolest NY paper - ever!" Face Boy
"...newspaper of record for the downtown scene..." NYTimes
Best Punk Rock Newspaper - Best of Manhattan - NYPress
"If it ain't in The Waste, it just ain't" - (someone really cool said that!)

The New York Waste is published with 7500 readers and 60,000 web-hits per month and growing.
NY Waste is found in NYC, the Tri-State and is also found in NJ, PA, CA and has also been found, amazingly,
in London (UK), Paris & Marseille (France)

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NY Waste newspaper

NewYork Waste is a registered trademark

All rights reserved. All copyrights remain with the original artists. No portion of this publication may be reproduced without the expressed permission of NYWaste Publishing Corp. Not responsible for unsolicited work. Not responsible for solicited work either or anything else. Please send copies only. Not responsible for any promises published herein by us, our contributors or even those made by advertisers.
All advertisers are liable for the content of their ads and NY Waste Publishing Corp. and all who sail in her are not responsible for art-work submitted by client that contains errors, and accepts no responsibility for any costs arising out of claims made against NY Waste Publishing Corp. and all who sail in her as a result of any advertisement.

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